Sunday, August 18, 2013

Immaculate Conception Church

Immaculate Conception Church (Batac, Ilocos Norte) In 1587, the Augustinians appointed Fr. Esteban Marin as the first prior of Batac. Another prior, Fr. Pedro de Vivar wrote the “Relacion” retelling Diego Silang's rise against the Spaniards in 1762. In 1620, however, original buildings were destroyed. Fr. Pedro Cariaga began reconstructing the church in 1690 and finished it in 1692.
The present church is the 1692 reconstruction. Its facade has been renovated recently, whitewashed, and plastered with the original palitada. The original features and authentic colors give the church a Romanesque look with an Italian influence exemplified by recessed portals, embellished wheel windows, and inverted moldings. Heavy twin pilasters complement the large rose window and the wide opening of the main portal.

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